Student Blogs

A Balanced Weekend

April 8th, 2011 kaolse14

Many would agree that a sense of balance is necessary for a happy and healthy life.  It is the very thing that I am going to practice and live by this weekend. I look forward to the weekend and all its social activities. Yet, I need to balance my social life with my academic life.

Looking at the syllabi for my courses immediately increases my blood pressure and stress level; and I am sure any college student will tell you the same. With paper deadlines on the horizon and upcoming tests, it is easy to feel stressed. The key to avoiding this is time management and to not do things last minute. So, with this in mind, I plan to go to the library (my new ‘man cave’) all day Saturday and all day Sunday to get work done. Of course, to maintain the balance, I plan to spend time with friends tonight and tomorrow evening. Hopefully this will prevent me from going crazy with all the work I have to do!

Cheers, have a great weekend, and wish me luck on my work!

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