Kyle Olsen '14

Let me tell you about my day. I woke up at 9am in order to make my ‘Russian fieldtrip.’ At 10am, my Russian classmates and I – along with our professors – departed Holy Cross on a yellow bus and headed to the Russian Museum of Icons in Clinton, Massachusetts. There, a number of Holy Cross students in advanced Russian classes gave us a tour of the museum. It was great to spend time with my classmates and professors outside of class. Furthermore, I learned a lot about the Orthodox Church and the history of icons. And all this was done on a Saturday!

That’s not all, though. After the trip to the museum, my classmates and I went with our professor to the Russian store in Worcester. We bought a lot of food before heading to the professor’s home, where we cooked a number of Russian dishes – including blini, borsch, and others – while practicing Russian. It was so much fun! We literally spent four hours cooking a dish, then eating, then cooking something else, and then eating again. In short, I love my Russian class and the people in it.

Okay, now I have to do work. It’s time to work on them essays!

Well, it’s finally Friday. This week involved a Russian exam, two essays, and a study abroad application. I am definitely ready for the weekend. However, I have a million (literally, 1 million) things to do this weekend. From readings to essays, I have a busy weekend ahead of me. Wish me luck!

I am now done with classes for the week. I love Fridays because I end classes at 11:50am, giving me plenty of time to go to lunch with friends. I just got back from lunch because many of them still have class. It’s somewhat cold outside, so I decided to return to my dorm, sit on my bed with some music, and blog about my fall break experience.

I did not go home for fall break. I live too far away for a quick trip. Additionally, I will be home in just about a month from now for Thanksgiving and for my uncle’s wedding. I can’t wait to see my ENTIRE family at the wedding and celebrate the formal addition of a new member into the family.
So about my fall break – after hearing that I wasn’t going home, my roommate kindly invited me to spend the week with his family on Long Island. I loved the idea. It would not only give me the chance to experience Long Island and go to New York City for the first time, but give me the chance to hang out with my roommate outside Holy Cross grounds.

Needless to say, I had a great time in New York. My roommate’s parents were so nice, and it was great getting to know them during the 10-day vacation. I also fulfilled my dream of visiting the infamous “Amityville Horror House” on Long Island, the United Nations, Times Square, the 9/11 memorial, Central Park, and all those ‘touristy’ destinations. I loved the city (and Long Island) and would go back in a heartbeat. Lastly, although I consider my roommate one of my best friends, the trip was a bonding experience. Playing XBOX 360 at midnight; going to the movies to see “Contagion” with two of my roommate’s friends; exploring New York City on foot; witnessing the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement first-hand; bad jokes; and just chilling on the couch watching television – all these things helped make the trip a bonding experience for my roommate and me. So John (and his parents), thank you for inviting me to be part of the family over the break.

Alright now for the best part: pictures. Then it’s time for me to catch up on Modern Family. I had so much work this week that I had to miss the one show I try to keep up with. If you haven’t watched it, you should definitely check it out on the internet. It’s the funniest show since Friends and Seinfeld. Take care guys, and talk to you soon!

Oh! P.S……. I received two awesome emails this week. The first one informed me of my acceptance into the College Honors Program! I am so pumped to take part in the program and write a thesis my senior year. It’s going to be challenging, but I know it will be so rewarding in the end. Also, I received word that Holy Cross just announced the creation of a year-long study abroad program in Moscow! I am going to apply to that program, and hopefully I will be able to spend the next academic year in Russia. It would be such a great opportunity to improve my language skills and experience Russian culture and society first-hand. Two words people: awesome week!


I’ve been meaning to write a new post for some time. The past two weeks were crazy due to essays and exams. Now that I am on my 10-day break, I finally have some free time to update you guys on my life.

This year, I am privileged to be a member of the Escape Retreat Team. As a leader for this first-year-student retreat, I have the opportunity to lead small-group discussions during the two retreats that take place in September and November. I recently returned from one of these retreats. It’s safe to say that it was one of the best experiences at Holy Cross so far. Although I led retreats in high school, college retreats seem so much different. I guess it’s because students are living together, are on their own for their first time without parents, etc. After several laughs, reflections, games and even some tears, I saw a change in every one of the students that participated in the retreat. Not only did the first-year students learn more about life at Holy Cross, but they listened to upperclassmen reveal their personal struggles through reflections. It is this combination that leads us to bond together and realize that we are not alone in our struggles. In short, this retreat reminds each of us that regardless of the struggles we are enduring, the Holy Cross community is here to guide you along the way and support you. It is this very community that I am proud to be a part of each and every day.

I don’t want to give away too much information about the retreat, for I encourage everyone to take part in it and do not want to ruin the experience by spoiling the surprises on the retreat. I just can’t stress enough how lucky I am to be a leader for these retreats. I can’t wait for the next one in November!
*included are several pictures that I took of the retreat grounds in New Hampshire


I finally have the chance to just sit down for twenty minutes or so to blog about my first three weeks of school. With classes, homework assignments, meetings and extracurricular activities, it’s hard finding a few minutes of free time to “chillax” (chill + relax).

All of my classes are interesting yet demanding in their own ways. I am currently enrolled in two courses in the Russian Department and two courses in the Political Science Department. I’m clearly living the liberal arts dream! Despite the immense amount of work that I have to do for my classes, I enjoy the experience because they are classes that I wanted to take to begin with. This semester is allowing me to explore my interest in Eastern European politics and culture, and I am enjoying every minute of it.
Now back to the main purpose of this blog: my new room! If you didn’t know already, I lived in a triple last year. The room was pretty tight with two other people in it. There was very little privacy and free space. Yet I wouldn’t change my experience for anything. Both of my roommates were awesome, and the three of us got along really well right from the start. Additionally, the people living on my hall were equally friendly and entertaining. Living with great roommates made my first year at Holy Cross an enjoyable one.

I am now living with one of my best friends. He dwells in the “great state” of New York just outside of NYC. It wasn’t long before we had a Los Angeles-New York rivalry upon us, especially considering that we are both on the opposite sides of the political spectrum. This is not to say that I no longer hang out with my roommates from last year. In fact, they are living together just two doors down from me. It won’t be long before we annex the room separating us and divide the territory (just kidding).

The pictures included in this blog are of my new room and the views outside the windows. As you can see, I love random posters and year-long Christmas lights in my room. They inspire and give the room character! My roommate’s side of the room, on the other hand, is…….. boring. Very boring.
I hope you guys are doing well. My next blog will discuss last week’s retreat in New Hampshire, which was an incredible experience. Talk to you soon!

Hello everyone! I know that it’s been a while since my last post. I am super busy with schoolwork and planning for the upcoming first-year retreat. Therefore, a complete update will come this weekend regarding classes, my new room, and the retreat. And yes, I promise to post pictures. 🙂

It’s been too long since my last post. A lot has happened since May, and I will lay it down in style. Prepare yourself…..

I left Holy Cross at 5am on a Wednesday after two finals, a final paper, a final Russian project, and five months of hard work. Academically, it was a difficult semester. I remember late nights filled with reading assignments and Russian vocabulary. I also remember spending entire weekends in the library. Yet, all the hard work was completely worth it, and I had friends to help me pull through and maintain my sanity. Mind you, I did have a lot of fun last semester. It was all about striking the necessary balance between fun and hard work. I THINK I found that balance. Needless to say, I was ready to return to sunny California for several reasons: relaxation, family, old friends, and the beach.

Now that I bored you with my academic challenges while slipping in the cliché of “striking the balance between social life and academics” (my parents will be so proud), it’s time to update you on what I’ve been up to this summer. Here. We. Go.

Upon meeting me at the airport, my parents embraced me with tears in their eyes and smiles on their faces. They helped me carry my bags (one of which weighed 60lbs, forcing me to pay an extra $50.00 to fly it) before heading to our car in the parking structure across the street. We went to a Mexican restaurant, which was where they broke the news to me: our family was going to spend two weeks in Hawaii. Taken by surprise, I was immediately filled with excitement at the thought of relaxing on the beach, taking in the sun, and maybe catching a few waves on a surfboard. Three days later, my family and I took off from LAX for our 14-day vacation in Maui.

At the end of June, my great aunt (Mary) and uncle (Joe) called me, asking me to visit them at their flat outside of London. I’ve been waiting to visit them for some time, and now I was free to go visit them. So, in mid-July, I flew eastward for a two-week vacation in England. I returned last Thursday. I think I am still struggling with the time difference……

Anyways, that’s the sparknotes version of my summer. The other days were filled with beach outings and random adventures with friends. Before heading back to Holy Cross, I have plans to go skydiving and obtain my scuba license. Fun!

And then I woke up……………

In reality, my summer has been nothing like the experience described above. It was merely my dream summer. But I didn’t make it all up! My parents did meet me with smiles (and hidden tears) at the airport before taking me out for delicious Mexican cuisine. Also, I did have to pay an extra $50.00 for a 60lb bag [insert rant about the evil airline empire here]. Lastly, I do have a great aunt and uncle outside of London that I have yet to visit. The rest was made up. The part about surfing in Hawaii was intentionally inserted into my dream summer to abolish the stereotype that all southern California people living near the beach know how to surf. I tried it once and failed miserably. That is all.

I have created an acronym to help me highlight my entire summer experience without going off topic. Also, it will help me to remain concise as I have already bored you with an immense blog (and a long lie for that matter). I doubt it will work, but let’s give it a try: F.F.F.R.S.L.W.B.R.U.K.R.L.M.T

I know that isn’t the best acronym. In fact, many wouldn’t even consider it an acronym. But it’s hard to create one with only one vowel. Plus, I didn’t want to lie about my summer for the sake of adding another vowel. Moving on……

F = Family. I guess there isn’t much to say here. I’ve been spending a lot of time with family – parents, brothers, grandparents, etc. – because I missed them.
F = Friends. From beach outings to a trip to Palm Springs, it’s been great catching up with old friends and talking about our college experiences. I really missed them and am glad to hear that their college experiences are going just as well as my own.
F = Facebook. I decided to delete my facebook. It took up too much of my time, and I didn’t like the fact that people can (though likely aren’t) stalking me. I miss face-to-face conversations and talking to people on the phone. Deleting my facebook was the first step to regaining this.
R = Reading. Books that I’ve been meaning to read yet collected dust while I was away at college have finally been opened. I love having the time to finally dive into these books, including: Chbosky’s The Perks of Being a Wallflower; Glassner’s The Culture of Fear; Marilyn Manson’s The Long Hard Road Out of Hell; and Smith’s Child 44 and The Secret Speech. Although I read others, the ones mentioned in the previous sentence are the only ones worth mentioning. I highly recommend them. The one that I am working on right now is River Town by Peter Hessler, which was a suggested reading for my upcoming course titled “Modern China.”
S = Summer School. I never thought that I would take summer school again. However, as it was difficult to find a job this summer, I figured that I would take a class to fulfill a course requirement. I took Geology 1 at a local community college. I really enjoyed the material. Additionally, the professor had previous experience in the field, which made lectures much more interesting and informative. The class complements my major: political science. It’s great for students in the social sciences to learn more about the environment and upcoming geological challenges across the globe.
L = LOST. I never watched the television show “LOST” when it was originally on television. Only recently did my uncle introduce me to it. I have been obsessed ever since, watching the DVD set almost every night with my uncle and younger brother. I am currently on season 5 (out of 6) and plan to finish the series before returning to Holy Cross.
W = Work. My uncle works for a company that performs “legal services” (aka paperwork, authorizations and subpoenas) for lawyers. I go in every now and then when there’s extra work around the office. I guess it’s a good way to make a few extra bucks this summer.
B = Beach. I go to the beach with family and friends as often as I can.
R = Russian. I plan to go through my entire Russian textbook to refresh my memory. I plan to start that on Wednesday.
U = Ukulele. Although I don’t claim to be even remotely decent at playing the ukulele, I still love to play it have been practicing over the past couple of weeks.
P = Passport. I renewed my passport as I plan to study abroad during my junior year. My old one is five years old and is set to expire in April. It’s so funny to compare how I look now to how I looked as a freshman in high school!
R = Radio. Driving to and from class every week has allowed me to develop a newfound love for the radio. Listening to the same songs every day on the rock/rnb/pop stations encouraged me to change the radio station in frustration, leading me to discover a new love: talk radio. Try it sometime and you’ll likely never go back to mainstream stations.
L = Lake. Every summer, my family and I head to the lake to ride our seadoo and jetski. In fact, I am going tomorrow morning! Considering it’s now 11:00pm Pacific Time, I should probably go to bed soon so that I can wake up for that tomorrow.
M = Music. My itunes library is on my home computer rather than my college laptop. Throughout the academic year, I sought to listen to a particular song while studying or writing a paper, only to remember that I have yet add the song to my ipod. Consumed with frustration, I would have to write the paper without my song of choice playing through my headphones. The situation has now changed as I updated my itunes library and uploaded the songs to my ipod. Hello happy essay-writing!
T = Tennis. Near the end of last semester, my friends and I started to play tennis on the campus courts. It was so much fun! Yet, I lacked the experience and skills to actually beat my friends in a game. Therefore, I have been playing tennis against my family members to practice. I am not too bad at it now. Friends: prepare to lose!

That wraps up my entire summer so far. I apologize for the length of this blog. It’s been nearly three months since my last blog entry, so I figured I would leave a post that would successfully update you on my summer experience.

I hope your summers are going well. Enjoy the remaining days of summer, and talk to you soon!

Wow, the end of the semester is finally here! I have one more day of classes (Monday) before I’m off to the library to write a final paper and study for two final exams. It’s weird to think that I am already going to be a second-year college student. I felt like I just got here! I already signed up for next year’s courses and went through the housing selection process for next year. Yet, with the amount of work dwindling down and final exams on the near horizon, it has finally hit me – I am no longer a freshman.  🙁

On a more positive note, it’s spring weekend! There are so many things happening on campus this weekend – from comedians to a street festival, to a firework show and live concerts. It’s going to be so much fun! I am so happy that I get to end my freshman year with such a weekend. It’s not all fun and games, though – I will be using SOME time to study and work on my paper. Yet this is the last weekend of the school year, so I am going to enjoy it.  🙂

Last essay. Last project. Last day of class. Final exam.

“Last” seems to be a common theme on campus. Everyone, including myself, is busy this time of year with essays and projects, homework assignments and readings, as well as preparations for final exams. It’s easy to feel stressed out and a little overwhelmed. Yet, as stated in the title of this post, there is light at this end of this long and dark tunnel.

There are only six days of classes left in this semester. It’s the last stretch before summer vacation. Sure, I have an insane amount of work to do before vacation. Just the thought of work raises my blood pressure and increases my heart rate. So I do what any college student would do in this situation – that is, spend hours upon hours doing work while saving time on the weekends for friends. It’s the only way to do well academically without sacrificing sanity.

I am determined to enjoy my remaining days (all 17 of them) here at Holy Cross before I fly back to California for the summer. I know that I am going to miss the school, classes, and friends when I am gone. Yet I am stuck in this dark tunnel of homework, readings, and study. That’s okay – I’ll get everything done sooner or later, and I’ll regain my sanity on the weekends.

Good luck with all your work!

Wow. I have come to the sudden realization that I only have one more month left of school. Not too long ago (or so it feels like it), my family was helping me settle into my dorm room. It’s so strange to think that by next month, I will be 25% done with my college career. Time just moves too fast…..

This is surely a bittersweet moment. My first year in college has provided me with new experiences as well as both intellectual and personal growth. I met so many great people that I know are my friends for life. Simultaneously, I look forward to next year. I look forward to new classes, dorming with my friend John, and whatever else my second year of college decides to throw my way.

Solution: Enjoy the rest of the semester! Yes, I look forward to going home next month to see my family, go to the beach, and spend time with friends. Nevertheless, I know that I will miss Holy Cross once I am gone, and I know I will miss my college friends when I am back at home. I need to make the most of my remaining time here at Holy Cross…….. and sitting by a computer screen with my blog on one tab and Facebook on the other is not a good start. I will make that change – and I will do it right now.